Established 1904

The Olympia Yacht Club
Olympia Yacht Club Operations Manual
The purpose of this manual is to provide a central repository of information about how the Olympia Yacht Club operates. This is meant to be a living document. This means that this document needs to evolve over time to accommodate changes in the way things are done in the Club or to find better ways to explain procedures.
The primary audience for this document is meant to be those Club volunteers who take on responsibility within any of the many committees that collectively drive this Club.
This document, unlike bylaws and rules, can be modified as needed by Committee Chairmen, BOT members, Bridge officers, and anyone else who desires to improve our processes. Proposed modifications will be submitted to the OYC Webmaster who will implement the changes and preserve earlier versions of each document.
Governing and Standing Committees
Community and Government Affairs
Other Operating Procedures
Bereavement (death of a member}