Established 1904

The Olympia Yacht Club
2025 OYC Community Grants
Established in 1904, among the Olympia Yacht Club’s (OYC’s) purposes are “to encourage and promote … seamanship and navigation, and to provide and maintain suitable facilities…” As such, OYC interests and values include improving the strength and vitality of the waterfront, the downtown, the marine environment, water sports, relevant education and training and the greater community.
This year, the OYC is committed to awarding grants to eligible non-profit organizations for projects and events that inform and improve the community and are aligned with these OYC interests and values.
An organization may request funding from $500 up to $2,000.
Applicant Organization Eligibility
Preference for funding will be given to organizations that are:
Categorized as nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations under Sec. 501-(c)-3 of the US Tax Code;
Governed by active boards of directors;
Established organizations, not start-ups, and which have, in most cases, operated successfully for at least three years.
Projects, activities, or events proposed for funding must be aligned with the interests and values of the OYC.
Preference will be given to projects, activities, or events related to water, boating, or the aquatic environment. Secondarily, projects that are unrelated to the water, boating, or the aquatic environment will be considered if they will otherwise improve the social fabric of our community.
Preference will be given to projects, activities, or events whose primary benefits will accrue to Olympia or neighboring communities in Thurston County.
Preference will be given to projects, activities, or events that:
Will be open to participation by wide swaths of the public;
Will give the most community visibility to OYC’s contribution, purposes and values; and,
Will be actively promoted by the grantee through local media, social media, and other mechanisms.
Funds awarded must be expended by grantees by the end of calendar year 2025.
Our intention is to have one funding round as outlined below. However, if all available funds are not awarded in this round, we may hold a second round later in the year.
2025 Grants Overview/Application (PDF)