Established 1904
The Olympia Yacht Club
OYC Membership,
Obviously, the Coronavirus is affecting all our lives and organizations worldwide and close to home. Some of you are raising alarms the lack of guidance over the OYC response to the Coronavirus Outbreak, so we thought that we give you our official OYC Response and Guidance for this pandemic.
Just as a reminder, until further notice all OYC meetings will be held via video conference. Notice of the meeting will be sent out via a email blast.
In the meantime, the various governments at the federal, state and local level are continuing to implement a number of emergency actions and recommending personal initiatives which we should all implement in our daily lives. We have no doubt that all our members have heard all of this and would not benefit a lot from us reiterating everything to our members. We will continue to update the Club with updates pertaining to Club events and business.
Meanwhile we ask the following of our membership:
When at the Mainstation or Island Home:
Please limit the use of OYC Common areas in both Clubhouses on both Mainstation and Island Home.
Please be aware that many of our members and employees are in the demographics that are susceptible to contracting the virus. So please use Social Distancing when on OYC Property.
Please do not congregate in groups larger than ten people anywhere on OYC Property.
Please use discretion when visiting the Clubhouse on Mainstation and or Island Home Club House. Please do not hang out in either one. Do your business and please and leave as soon as possible. Also, please take care to clean up after yourself.
Please limit the use of the Mainstation/Clubhouse and Island Home. We are “not” telling to stay away from your boats. We are asking you to remain on your boats/boat houses as much as possible when on the property.
If you are not feeling well, please do not visit the any OYC property.
Please follow local state and federal government, and CDC’s recommendations. The following are useful links:
If you feel unsafe in any situation, please do not visit the Mainstation or Island Home. It is your personal responsibility to protect yourself, as well as help not spread the virus.
We thank you for your understanding during these troubled times. With your cooperation I know we can get through this together. We will continue to update you as changes happen.
Mitch Michell Bill Wilmovsky
Commodore Board of Trustees Chairperson