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Covid-19 Guest Docks Rules

Welcome OYC Reciprocal Dock Guest:


Please follow these simple rules during the Pandemic.  We are required to follow the bellow protocol to keep our Guest Dock open.  Failure to follow the protocol will result in you being asked to leave our Guest Docks.  Thank you for your cooperation.


NOTICE:  The Showers and Ice machine are closed until further notice.


Please use face coverings when transiting to and from your boat, while on OYC Property.


Please Social Distancing when on OYC Property.


Please limit the use of OYC docks to only transiting to and from your boat. 


Please do not congregate on the docks.


Please be aware that many of our members and employees are in the demographics that are susceptible to contracting the virus. 


Please do not congregate in groups larger than five people anywhere on OYC Property. You are welcome to have larger groups on your boat.  But please have your guests remain on your boat during their visit.


If you are not feeling well, please stay home and visit us at another time.


Please follow local state and federal government, and CDC’s recommendations. The following are useful links:







If you feel unsafe in any situation, please do not visit our Guest Docks.  It is your personal responsibility to protect yourself, as well as help not spread the virus.


We thank you for your understanding during these troubled times.  With your cooperation we can keep the Guest Docks open.  Please check back for updates


Thank you for your cooperation during trying times.


Mitch Mitchell        Bill Wilmovsky

Commodore          Board of Trustees Chairperson

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