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Revised 1.1.2020

The following rules shall not be considered as part of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Olympia Yacht Club, but are hereby duly adopted as rules and regulations subject to amendment or repeal only in accordance with Article 9 of the Bylaws.


Rule 1: Reciprocal Moorage:
(a) Members of recognized reciprocal yacht clubs will be allowed 48 hours

(2 days) free moorage and use of one power outlet on the OYC visitor floats. After 48 hours, they will pay $0.50 per foot per day for a maximum of five days total moorage in any 30 day period (2 days free & 3 days paid). Any extension beyond five must be approved by the Moorage Master or Main Station Chair.

(b) Special events for visiting yacht clubs are approved by the Commodore and may be granted extended reciprocal privileges (coordinated with Moorage Master).

Rule 2: A completed/signed OYC Moorage Agreement must be filed with Moorage Master prior to berth assignment/occupation. All boats are moored at owner's risk. The Club shall not in any way be responsible for loss

sustained by theft, stress of weather, fire, collision, or careless handling of

boats by other parties, whether said parties are members of the Club or not. Rule 3: Club members are advised to respect the rights of other boat owners by:

(a) Keeping off other people's boats.
(b) Staying out of other people's boathouses.
(c) Furnishing ample strength mooring lines, so arranged that there be no danger of coming in contact with another boat during the member's absence.
(d) Operating their vessels in a safe and courteous manner.
(e) Members will report to the Caretaker or Main Station Chair any irregular moorage or hazardous conditions on Club premises.
(f) 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM is considered quiet time (no loud or disturbing noises).

Rule 4: The Club may refuse mooring to, and order taken from the premises any boat or boathouse that is maintained in a condition of dilapidation and neglect, so that it becomes unsightly, a nuisance, and a hazard to the Club property, and/or other member's property.

(a) Non Commercial Use: Olympia Yacht Club is not a commercial marine facility. Specifically prohibited from operating from within the confines of Olympia Yacht Club are commercial or business concessions, (which includes but is not limited to; boat and equipment sales, fueling, repair, maintenance, brokerage, charter, fishing or commission activities). Brokers, sales, maintenance or repair persons may conduct their sales or work activities pertaining to a member's boat or boathouse by gaining proper access to Club facilities, through the member in accordance with established OYC procedures as set forth in Rules and Regulations.

(b) Registration: any boat kept within the Olympia Yacht Club facility will comply with current city, state and federal registration laws. Any boat that is registered for other than pleasure will not be used or boarded for any purpose other than pleasure within the confines of Olympia Yacht Club.

Rule 5: Penalties for noncompliance with "Bylaws, Rules, Regulations and Agreements "of OYC:
(a) Any member found in violation of adopted OYC Bylaws, Rules, Regulations and/or Agreements (moorage or otherwise) shall be subject to actions provided for in Article 3, Section 6 of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Olympia Yacht Club.

(b) OYC is entitled to reimbursement for the costs it incurs to enforce compliance with OYC Bylaws, Rules, Regulations and Agreements with its members. Members who fail to comply with OYC Bylaws, Rules, Regulations and Agreements will be billed for, and will be responsible for the payment of actual costs incurred by OYC to enforce compliance, including the payment of OYC's attorney's fees and court cost.

Rule 6: Any boat leaving or approaching its mooring, or Club property, must observe a maximum speed of 5 knots and leave no wake. OYC members will abide by all boating laws and will not operate their vessel in a reckless manner. The owner of the vessel will be held responsible for any damage created by the vessel’s wake.

Rule 7: The Club has placed fire extinguishers in convenient places. The members should familiarize themselves with the location of the fire extinguishers and fire alarm system.

Rule 8: The Club docks may be used by members while making repairs or alterations to their boats, but all litter and rubbish must be cleaned away before leaving the docks. Members using the Club workshop must clean up any litter made by them. Any member wishing to use the grids shall ask the Caretaker for an assignment date and read, complete, and sign the approved grid registration form. If for any reason the member is unable to use the date given, adequate notice of cancellation should be given the Caretaker, so that the specified date can be reassigned. Any member found in violation of the signed grid agreement shall be subject to action as specified in Article 3, Section 7 of the OYC Bylaws.

Rule 9: (a) Each boat slip or boat house is entitled to one, and only one, 120- volt, 30-amp GFCI protected connection to the OYC Marina electrical system. For safety purposes, the pedestal electrical connection may not be locked.
(b) Before any connection in excess of the 120-volt, 30-amp service or any non-standard connection is installed to the electrical system, it must be approved by the Board of Trustees.

(c) The Board of Trustees may grant a limited number of exceptions based upon the capacity of the Marina electrical infrastructure. A member may request an exception in writing. Each exception must be reapproved annually. An exception does not transfer with the sale of the boat or boathouse. Any violation of the provisions of this rule will result in the disconnection from the OYC electrical system, after proper notice.

Rule 10: No boathouses shall contain showers, sinks, laundry or other equipment that permits gray water to drain into the Sound.

Rule 11: Storage of motor fuel or the fueling of boats is prohibited (other than outboard motors or space heaters) in compliance with fire codes.

Rule 12: The use of electrical fence units is not permitted.
Rule 13: No member or guest shall throw or discharge, pump or deposit from

any boat or float refuse, oil, antifreeze or flammable liquid into the water. Individual members are solely responsible for penalties, fines and legal actions resulting from violations of this rule.

Rule 14: Slips and Boathouses

(a)The Board of Trustees and/or the Moorage Master has the right to change the slip assignment of any boat or boathouse moored at the Club docks at any time they deem necessary for the best interest of the Club.
(b)Any member making a modification to the exterior of the boathouse, or proposing to build a new boathouse, or to rebuild an existing boathouse will be required to secure an OYC “BOATHOUSE BUILDING, REMODELING, RELOCATION PERMIT". This permit, to be valid, must be signed by the Moorage Master and the Main Station Chair. The OYC permit will be valid for a period of six months from the date of approval.

(c.) Members wishing to lease their boathouse/berth shall notify the Moorage Master in writing prior to occupancy by the lessee. Said leases are to Club members only. Upon approval by the Moorage Master, the lessee may occupy the boathouse/berth for a period of up to six months from the date of approval. Any extensions beyond a given six-month period must be approved by the Board of Trustees.

Rule 15: Any vessel (including dinghies) that extends beyond the finger pier or boathouse must be approved by the Moorage Master in writing.

Rule 16: (a) Without exception, the sale of a boat, or boathouse (except dinghies) moored within the Olympia Yacht Club facilities will be reported to the Moorage Master in writing within five (5) days of sale. Any nonmember purchasing a boat or boathouse as described above and desiring the vessel’s berth must apply for membership and be approved as an active member before taking possession of the boathouse or berth. The sale of a boathouse to a nonmember shall be contingent upon the buyer becoming an active member. (b) Should the sale of a boat be completed prior to active membership approval and the new owner plans to use the boat, the boat must be moved off Club premises until such time the applicant becomes an active member. Upon approval of active membership, the berth/boathouse may be utilized. All boathouses and berths must be returned to 120-volt, 30-amp, GFCI power prior to sale. Noncompliance is grounds for termination of moorage rights for the seller and buyer.
Rule 17: Privileges of the Club are extended to all members of a family having membership. This does not include members of a family maintaining a separate household or over age 21. Junior Members are governed by these rules.

Rule 18: The Club Burgee will be flown at all times within the confines of any Olympia Yacht Club facility or reciprocal club facility. Any commercial venture such as charter will not display the Club Burgee or be entitled to membership privileges such as reciprocal moorage unless the Club member is actually on board.

Rule 19: Any member (except juniors) may obtain use of the Clubhouse for private parties by filing a "Clubhouse Use" application, receiving approval, and the payment of current rental fees. Approval is given by the Club House Chair.

Rule 20: All boathouses shall conform to all city, county, and state building and electrical codes and must be metal-covered. All replacements of covering or siding of boathouses shall be of like material. An uncovered window shall be inserted at the float end of each boathouse so as to make visible the contents therein to the Caretaker upon inspection.

Rule 21: Members wishing to live aboard vessels must first receive written approval from the Board of Trustees. A completed/signed OYC Liveaboard Agreement must be on file with the Treasurer prior to living aboard. In addition, liveaboards must also file an OYC Moorage Agreement in accordance with Rule 2. Thirteen liveaboards is the maximum authorized. As used in these rules, a "liveaboard" is a member that lives aboard his or her vessel moored at the OYC as his or her primary residence for more than 20 days in a month.

Rule 22: Vehicle parking at Olympia Yacht Club:
(a) The following is the OYC parking policy for members, non-members, and vendors. Parking privileges are intended for members who are attending events and/or while on their boats cruising or liveaboards. The OYC lot should NOT be used for general or prolonged vehicle storage.
1. Trailers and motor homes are not to utilize the parking lot, except for loading and unloading purposes. OYC owned and Jr. Sailor’s trailers are exempt.
2. Members may not have more than two (2) vehicles, including guests, per family in the parking lot at one time.
3. All member vehicles must display an OYC parking sticker adhered on the front window only of the vehicle CLEARLY VISIBLE in all light conditions. Additional parking stickers may be purchased from the Caretaker for $1.50. Parking stickers may NOT be purchased for or given to anyone other than a household family member.

4. ALL vehicles without Club window decal displayed shall be registered with the Caretaker each day. On weekends (May through September), National Holidays, and meeting nights, members without a window decal, guests, and nonmembers shall park off premises. Except for these times or when signage is displayed disallowing guest parking, such parking is permitted from 6am to 5 pm.

5. All parked vehicles must have current State license/registration.
6. Parking is permitted only in designated areas. Fire lanes must be kept clear and Bridge/Employee spaces are reserved at all times. Motorcycles

shall be parked in areas designated for their use, if so marked.
7. If a vehicle is parked in the OYC lot without a CLEARLY VISIBLE sticker, AND is not properly registered, OR in violation of this policy, such vehicle will be towed, without warning, at the owner’s expense. The

current cost for this is about $400.
(b) Parking policy for vendors: Vendors who have met the qualifications to

work unescorted at the OYC facility, e.g. have valid access cards, are entitled to park a single vehicle at the Mainstation facility parking lot subject to the following conditions:
Note: Non-registered vendors hired by members may park in the OYC lot subject to the vendor parking restrictions and daily registrations (see 1-7 above). HOWEVER, the hiring member MUST BE PRESENT during all times such vendors are working in the facility.

1. The vehicle may occupy no more than a single parking space, e.g. no oversized vehicles are permitted.
2. Parking will be permitted between 6am and 5pm; no overnight parking.
3. The lot located behind Thriftway or the south row parking spaces are to be

used by vendors until/unless all such spaces are occupied.
4. Vendors may not park at the Main Station facility; 1) on national holidays; 2) on weekends from May through September; and 3) if a sign is posted declaring no guest parking on that day.
5. A valid OYC (vendor) parking sticker must be clearly displayed on the exterior of the vendor’s vehicle.
6. Vendor agrees to waive any liability on behalf of OYC for damage to vendor’s vehicle.
7. Any exceptions to the above must be requested of the Mainstation chair in writing and approved.
8. Failure to comply with the above may result in the vehicle being towed at the expense of the vendor and suspension of parking and/or vendor access privileges.
Rule 23: Complaints of any nature shall be taken before the Board of Trustees at their regular meeting times. The Board shall give such complaint due consideration and render a decision which, in its considered judgment, shall be in accordance with Club Bylaws, Rules, Regulations and Agreements.
Rule 24: Members shall not loan card-keys to nonmembers. Nonmembers

requiring use of a card-key, such as workmen, must have the member obtain a card-key through the Caretaker according to Main Station policies. Strangers who are found on Club property shall be asked for identification and their purpose for being on Club property (guests are not to wander around dock, other boathouses, board boats). The Caretaker has the authority to refuse access to Club property to any nonmember.

Rule 25: A maximum of two card-keys will be issued to each member. Any card broken or damaged may be returned to the Caretaker for replacement at no charge. To replace a LOST card-key, a personal or written request is required to the Caretaker and member’s account will be charged $5.00.

Rule 26: Standard practice in the selection of a contractor by the Board of Trustees will be to develop specifications for bidding and to seek at least three bids for any project between $5,000 and $10,000. Exceptions to standard practice must be approved by the Board of Trustees.

Rule 27: Members’ use of OYC reciprocal docks:
Members of OYC are allowed a maximum of 24 hours’ moorage at the visitors’ float in any 30 day period. Any extension of this limit must be approved in advance by the Moorage Master or Main Station Chair, and will be charged at the rate of $0.50 per foot per day.

Rule 28:

There shall be no modifications by members to OYC docks (to include attaching additional floating structures to the docks), electrical systems (to include placing locks on power pedestals), water systems, or floats. Any modifications discovered shall be corrected at the direction of the Main Station

Chair at the member’s expense and may be taken before the Board of Trustees for appropriate corrective/disciplinary action. Exceptions to this rule may be approved by the Board on a case-by-case basis.
Rule 29: Any OYC member who moors a boat permanently or temporarily, in

an OYC facility must meet the insurance liability requirements of Rule 11, (of the OYC Moorage Agreement Rules and Regulations). Any Member who uses a boat in an OYC sponsored activity must also meet the insurance liability requirements of the Moorage Agreement Rule 11.

Rule 30: Initiation fee shall be as follows:
(a) Active Member: $3,000.00 plus State and Federal taxes, if any.
(b) Associate Member: $3,000.00 plus State and Federal Taxes, if any.
(c) Junior Member: $50.00 plus State and Federal taxes, if any. Except that

this requirement shall be waived for applicants for Junior Membership who are dependents of any Active Member.

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