Established 1904

The Olympia Yacht Club
Island Home Rules
For the preservation and enjoyment of our Island Home, please observe the following rules.
1 .Always fly your burgee for identification purposes. This rule applies to all boats, including speed boats, dinghies, etc. mooring at Island Home.
2. The Island Home facilities are limited to Olympia Yacht Club members, onboard guests or invited guests traveling to the island by car to become onboard guests of an Olympia Yacht Club member.
3. Parents are responsible for the supervision, safety and acts of vandalism of their children on yacht club property; in addition, boat owners are responsible for their onboard guests.
4. Use shore facilities only. Do not pollute our crystal clear water and beautiful beaches.
5. Oysters and other shellfish shall be taken to be consumed on the island only, and shells shall be returned to the beach. Washington State Fish and Wildlife limits apply.
6. Electrical service will be limited to one connection per boat. Two services are allowed if vacant power outlets are available.
7. Moorage at any one time is limited to 16 days. per month unless an extension is approved by the BOT in the case of an emergency. No vessel shall be left overnight without an Active OYC member on board except in a case of emergency with BOT approval.
8. The "Pet Walking" area is on the mainland only.
9. The car parking area is on the mainland except for official club pickups and deliveries. Vehicles are to be removed immediately after unloading except for the caretaker's personal vehicle.
10. Watch for extreme minus tides. Some moorage is bare or has a limited depth of water.
11. No beach fires or campfires are permitted except in provided barbecue areas.
12. Discharge of firearms is prohibited on yacht club property.
13. Do not litter grounds. Use garbage containers.
14. Teenage parties will not be permitted on the premises without adult yacht club member supervision.
15. Kitchen facilities may be used by club members. Any necessary cleanup by the Caretaker will be charged to the offending member at the rate of $ 10.00 per hour.
16. Suggestions and constructive criticism shall be directed to the members of the Island Home Committee as listed in the current annual.
17. After 12:00 Midnight (2400) no boat owner will permit televisions, tapes, conversations or other noises to be loud enough to disturb persons who wish to retire.