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Amended: 09/2022, 11/07/2001, 10/10/2004, 1/05/05, 4/6/2005, 4/12/2006, 1/03/2007, 6/6/2007, 4/9/2008 (from May 2000 meeting), 6/11/2008, 4/18/2013 (from various actions 2008-present), 6/11/2014, 3/14/2018, 10/5/2022, 10/4/2023.



The name of this organization shall be the Olympia Yacht Club.



The purpose of the Olympia Yacht Club is to encourage and promote yachting, the science of seamanship and navigation, and to provide and maintain suitable facilities for the use and recreation of its members.



Section 1. General

Any person of good moral character, over the age of twenty-one, and who is fit, willing and able to contribute to the good and welfare of the Olympia Yacht Club, accepting the responsibilities as well as the privileges, thereof, shall be eligible for membership.

Applicant(s) accepted for Active Membership shall enjoy the full privileges of membership including the casting of the single vote representing their membership, holding a single elective office as a representative of their single membership, and flying the club pennant. The personal pronouns "he" and "she" as hereafter used in these Bylaws refers to both male and female and should be interpreted as meaning "he/she" and "his/hers."

Section 2. Classes of Membership

The classes of membership shall be defined in these Bylaws as follows:

(A) ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP shall include:
(1) A single person;
(2) A married couple and their children under the age of 21; and
(3) Two unmarried persons who form a single household, and their children under the age of 21.

An Active Member shall be the owner of a boat having a waterline length of not less than 12 feet and powered by motor or sail or both. An Active Member who shall dispose of his boat may retain full membership in the Club for twelve months from the date of said disposal, at

which time he shall automatically revert to the status of Associate Membership. Upon becoming the owner of another boat registered at the Olympia Yacht Club, he shall revert to Active Membership and be entitled to all privileges.

(B) ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP: shall be those members who are not included in any other class of membership. They shall not be entitled to moorage or the use of boating services of the Club at any time, nor shall they be entitled to vote, fly the Club pennant, hold office or serve as a committee chairperson; but shall be entitled to all other social and recreational privileges. The membership of any person elected as an Associate may be converted to Active without payment of additional initiation fees upon determination by the Board of Trustees that the qualifications for that class of membership have been met.

(C) LIFE MEMBER: when a single member or either party of an Active Membership achieves both 20 years of continuous Active Membership and age 65, the Membership shall be eligible for designation as a Life Member. In the event of the death of the qualifying Life Member, the surviving party must meet the requirements for Life Membership status or revert to Active Membership status. Life Members shall be exempt from payment of annual dues, but shall not be exempt from moorage charges, bond interest, or special assessments as they become due.

(D) SOCIAL MEMBER: Social Members shall be those members who have been active for at least 5 years (need not be consecutive). They shall not be entitled to moorage or the use of boating services of the Club at any time, nor shall they be entitled to vote, fly the Club pennant, hold office or serve as a committee chairperson, but shall be entitled to all other social privileges. Social members are required to participate in not less than 10 CSP hours annually.

(E)  CRUISING MEMBER: Members who intend to be or are cruising on their boat outside of the Puget Sound area for an extended period of time (more than 365 consecutive days) may apply to the Board of Trustees for a Cruising Membership. Upon approval of their application, Cruising Members shall relinquish their moorage and they shall no longer be considered Active or Associate Members. Cruising Members shall be liable for dues but exempt from assessments and Club Service Program requirements. When Cruising Members return to the Puget Sound area, they may make application to the Board to be reinstated as Active or Associate Members, as appropriate. If a member is under Cruising Member status for less than 365 days and wishes to be reinstated as an active member, they must pay back fees and assessments as if they were continuous active members without a break in Active Member status. Upon approval, the Members shall be subject to all applicable dues, assessments and Club Service program requirements, etc., as any other Active and Associate Members that fall due on or after the date of approval of their reinstatement.

(F)  HONORARY MEMBERS: The Board of Trustees may invite honorary members to join the club for one year upon favorable vote of the Trustees. Honorary memberships shall be granted only to those persons who have rendered valuable service to the Club, City, County, State or Nation, such membership shall not exceed twenty-five at any one time during the year. Honorary members shall pay no fees, dues, or assessments and shall have no rights to vote or hold office in the Club, and may participate only in the recreational and social affairs of the Club.

(G) JUNIOR MEMBERS: The membership of the OYC recognizes the need to actively involve persons under the age of 21 in meaningful club activities. Rules, regulations, and organizational procedures for this program are developed and administered by the OYC Juniors Committee with the direction and approval of the Board of Trustees. This program includes, at a minimum, OYC service programs, and various social functions. Junior members shall have no vote in OYC business and nonmember parents shall not be extended the privileges of the OYC.

  1. Any person between the ages of 10 and 20 of good moral character shall be eligible for junior membership. Application and acceptance for junior membership shall be made through the Board of Trustees. Applicants receiving a majority vote of the Trustees shall be accepted into membership. Junior members shall be governed by all bylaws, rules, and regulations of the OYC and those adopted specifically by the Juniors Committee and approved by the Board of Trustees for this program.

  2. The initiation fee for junior membership shall be approved by the Board of Trustees as recommended by the Juniors Committee. Monthly dues for junior members shall be established at 15 percent of the monthly dues paid by active members. Junior members shall be exempt from payment of bond interest and special assessments.

  3. A junior member shall be eligible to become an associate or active member of the OYC upon reaching the age of 21 years, receiving approval from the Board of Trustees and payment of current initiation fees. PROVIDED: That one tenth of the regular initiation fee is waived for each year served as an active junior member. An active junior member is defined as one who regularly attends meetings, participates in work parties and activities, holds office, or serves on committees. Determination of active status is to be made by the Juniors Committee at the end of each calendar year, recorded, and filed.


Section 3. Application for Membership

Written application for Active or Associate Membership endorsed by two Active members shall be presented to the Membership Committee Chair on the prescribed forms accompanied by payment of the full initiation fee and annual dues, prorated to the end of the calendar year from the quarter in which the application is presented. Upon request to and approval by the Board of Trustees, application fees may be paid by paying one-fourth at the time of application and the remainder over a period of twelve months. If the applicants are two unmarried persons who form a single household, the applicants shall designate one of the two as the “managing partner”. If such applicants are elected to membership, the “managing partner” shall have authority to designate who retains the Membership in the event that the partnership is concluded.

The Membership Committee shall make prompt and diligent inquiry into the qualifications of the applicant, including if necessary or desirable, personal interviews with the applicant, sponsors, or other interested persons, to determine the eligibility of the applicant. The Membership Committee shall provide a standard orientation and overview of the Club and member responsibilities, as well as other pertinent information, to the applicant. The applicant(s) shall provide the Membership Committee Chair with a short biographical sketch, current photo, and statement of interest in joining the Club. The Membership Committee Chair shall post these materials at the designated location on Club premises and disseminate them to the Membership by e-mail at least fourteen days prior to the date of the regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees at which the application will be considered; this meeting date shall be included in these notices to the Membership. The Membership Committee Chair shall solicit Members’ comments on the applicants, pro or con, either in writing, or orally at the meeting where the application will be considered by the Board, and shall maintain the confidentiality of any such comments, if so requested. Any comments received by the Membership Committee Chair shall be provided to the Board Chair prior to the meeting where the applicant(s) are presented to the Board for consideration.

The Membership Committee Chair shall submit the Membership Committee’s report to the Board for their consideration and shall ensure that the applicant(s) are present at the Board meeting when the application is to be considered. At least one of the sponsors must speak briefly regarding each applicant and how he/she knows the applicant. The Board of Trustees shall then consider and vote on each application. An applicant receiving a favorable majority vote of the Board shall be deemed elected to the membership and shall be notified by their sponsors to appear at the next regular scheduled dinner meeting of the Club for induction into the Club. If the Board rejects an application, the reason(s) for doing so will be reflected in the minutes of the meeting; and, if the Board approves an application when negative comments were received from any Member(s), the reason(s) for doing so will be reflected in the minutes of the meeting. Any monies tendered by an applicant whose application has been rejected shall be returned.


Section 4. DUES.

Shall be as follows:

  1. (A)  Active Member and Associate Members, Social Members and Cruising Members – per annum, payable monthly in advance: Dues: 2011 - $400.00 + CPI thereafter annually, unless CPI is waived by the Board of Trustees.

  2. (B)  Junior Members – 15% of dues listed in (A) above - per annum, payable monthly in advance.


Section 5. DEMIT.

Any member may demit from the Club by written notice to the Club, but such demit shall not become effective until the end of the month in which such written notice is received, and the resigning member's indebtedness to the Club is fully paid, including all applicable moorage charges and special assessments, due at the end of said month. Any member in good standing may, upon a majority vote of the BOT members present at any regular Board meeting, demit from the Club and upon surrender of any other membership card, shall thereupon be given a demit notice by the Secretary.
Any member approved for demit may resume membership in the Club upon formal application and election thereto by the membership in the same manner and conditions prescribed for new members, coupled with the tender of the difference between initiation fees in effect at the time of withdrawal and initiation fees at the time reinstatement is sought plus currently payable annual dues.

Any active member may choose to become a Social Member instead of demitting by submitting a written request to the Board of Trustees. A majority vote by the Board would be required to become a Social Member. All indebtedness due to the Club must be paid, including all applicable moorage charges and special assessments.

Any member approved for demit prior to the formation of the Social Membership classification may apply for Social Membership by presenting a written request to the Board of Trustees. A majority vote of the Board would be required to be accepted as a Social Member.


Section 6. Suspension and Expulsion

Any member found in violation of adopted rules and regulations of the Olympia Yacht Club, Including Island Home Rules and the Moorage Agreement, shall be subject to sanctions as determined by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees. These sanctions may include fines, suspensions (including loss of moorage for boat and/or boathouse), or expulsion. Any member whose fiscal indebtedness to the Olympia Yacht Club is delinquent sixty days shall be suspended (including loss of moorage for both boat and/or boathouse) until such time payment is made. Continued indebtedness past ninety days shall be grounds for expulsion at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.

The Board of Trustees shall notify, in writing, any member found in violation of the rules and regulations and shall request their appearance before the Board at its next regularly scheduled meeting. Any member who fails to respond to this notice shall stand suspended (including loss of moorage both boat and/or boathouse) for a period of time as determined by the Board of Trustees. Continued failure to respond shall result in expulsion.

The Olympia American Legion Band was formed in 1925 and played their first civil event at the OYC Opening Day in 1925.  They have played every Opening Day since that time.


The first Capital to Capital Predicted Log Race, 908 miles from Olympia to Juneau, was held in 1928.  The 50th anniversary of the race, renamed the International Cruiser Race, was held in 1978.  John Pierce, of OYC, won the 1928 race and Adolph Schmidt, also of OYC and one of the Schmidt family who owned the Olympia Brewery, won his class as well (and his navigator was Charles Chapman, the man who wrote the Chapman Guide to Boating, still considered the bible of boating).  Adolph Schmidt won the race overall in 1931 and Dr. Frank Van Guilder won in 1947.


The Thirties


The first permanent mainstation clubhouse was built on pilings in 1932, in the area where we currently store carts.  This later became the first caretaker’s cottage, when the first land-based clubhouse was built, in 1938.  The lighthouse on this structure was built to house a signal light from the old wooden drawbridge that connected downtown Olympia to the Westside before the first permanent Fourth Avenue bridge was constructed.  This building is now the caretaker’s cottage.


The Fifties


In 1954 the initiation fee was $50 and there were fewer than 100 members.


In 1958 the club purchased 21 acres with 750 feet of no-bank beach on Hartstine Island for its first outstation, at Flamingo Cove.  The cove was named for member Roy Kimbel’s boat, Flamingo, in honor of his efforts to find, purchase and improve the property.  Buoys, floats and upland facilities were established.  This was used for 13 years, but its southerly exposure meant that it was very uncomfortable in the winter, severely limiting the outstation’s usefulness.


Originally the mainstation tide grids and a launching ramp were situated at the east end of the parking lot.  Many of the older boathouses at the club were built on the ramp and launched with fork lifts.


The Sixties


The current mainstation clubhouse was built in 1962, and paid for with member bonds.


On October 12, 1962 the infamous Columbus Day storm struck Olympia, with winds of up to 70 knots (in some parts of the Pacific Northwest speeds of 170 mph were believed to have occurred, although the wind speed gauges disintegrated at 130 mph)!  The 400 dock broke loose and was only saved due to the sinking of a boathouse that acted as an anchor.  Gale Wagner in Chipper Boy assisted by running his boat against the dock until it could be secured.  Another boathouse broke free from the 100 dock and slammed into the 300 dock, fortunately causing only minimal damage.  OYC actually faired well in the storm: the Westbay Marina was completely destroyed, with parts of it being blown out to Squaxin Island.


Boats were smaller, fuel was cheaper and the budget for 1963 was $17,880 with revenues of $20,495.  In 1964 there were only 135 members and the Commodore’s Ball cost $6 per couple.  And gasoline was only about 30 cents per gallon.


A brief (and possibly apocryphal) history of Foofaraw (from the Olympia Chamber of Commerce’s point of view):

Foofaraw, the club’s annual celebration for the local military, began in the ‘60s and continues to this day, having grown in both participation by club members and enjoyment by the military.  The stories behind the beginning of Foofaraw vary but include the late PC Dick Lewis working with the Olympia Chamber of Commerce to find some way to both honor the military and make Olympia more attractive to them at the same time.  It has evolved into a day long celebration, sporting event and salmon barbecue that attracts more than 200 military and Chamber participants.


John W. ‘Bill’ Johnson worked for the Thurston county Chamber of Commerce back in the sixties.  Some called him the ‘Executive Secretary’, others the ‘Chamber Manager’.  Although Bill has since passed away, when his spirit looks down on Olympia each September he must smile with the satisfaction of knowing that Foofaraw, his idea more than fifty years ago, has become one of the Chamber’s most enjoyable annual events and is remembered warmly by military men and women stationed around the world.


Bill’s idea surfaced one morning in the coffee shop at the Olympia Hotel, where so many conversations over coffee were about Chamber matters.  Johnson said ‘I have an idea on how the Chamber can make some good contacts with the military at Fort Lewis, Madigan Army Hospital, and McChord Air Force base’.  So on a sunny Friday morning in September of 1962, a small fleet of about 15 boats headed north on Budd Inlet.


One dictionary defines Foofaraw as ‘much ado about nothing’ and, at one point in history the official ‘purpose’ of the day, said a ‘Foorarite has earned the right to say ‘Foo’ to all duties and responsibilities for one day each year.’


Foofarites gather at the Olympia Yacht Club the morning of the first Friday after Labor Day each year.  Each skipper tells Foofaraw planners how many guests his or her boat can accommodate and they assign a mix of military and Chamber participants to their host’s boats.  Each Chamber member pays a hosting fee to attend Foofaraw.  Those fees assist in paying for the food and refreshments.


After a period of athletic events, watching those events and much socializing, Foofarites enjoy the traditional barbecued salmon, baked beans, salads and garlic bread.  A big favorite are the wonderful cookies provided by the Yacht Club Cookie Ladies.  There’s plenty for everyone and even the most diet-conscious Foofarite is tempted to try ‘just a little bit more’.


After some more casual athletics and a lot more socializing, the thoroughly fed and relaxed Foofarites wander back to their boats for the leisurely cruise back to Olympia.  Most get back to the Yacht Club about five that afternoon.  Everyone seems to linger, not wanting to see such a wonderful day end and not wanting to say goodbye to his or her newly found shipmates and friends.


The Chamber gives each military installation a quota of people they can bring.  The quota fills quickly.  One military commander said the easiest job he ever had was filling his quota for Foofaraw.


The Seventies


In the late ‘60s interest arose in finding a better outstation site and several properties were examined before one member happened to notice that the island across Pickering Passage from Flamingo Cove was for sale.  The house was of no known architectural style and appeared to have several ‘mystery’ rooms and the tiny dock attached to the bridge would go dry at low tide.  In 1971 this property, now known as Island Home, was purchased for $10,000 plus the old property on Hartstine Island.  At the time the vote was very close and many were convinced that the club had made a poor investment!

Section 7. Membership Credentials

Immediately following the election to membership of the Club, the Secretary will issue a membership card to each new Member giving thereon his/her name and the year for which dues have been paid. The card shall be honored only during the time the Member is in good standing. The Caretaker will issue card key(s) and parking pass(es) to each new Member of the Club, which will be immediately terminated for a Member upon resignation or withdrawal from membership, or upon demand of the Board of Trustees in writing, should any Member become delinquent or be expelled for cause by action of the Board of Trustees. These cards, parking pass(es), name tag(s), a Burgee, and a Directory will all be included in new member's packets which will be assembled by the Membership Committee and provided to the sponsor(s) who will present them to the new member(s).


Section 8. Marriage, Forming a Single Household, Divorce and Death.
When a single Active, Associate or Life member marries, the Member shall notify the Board of Trustees in writing so that the additional party to the Membership may be inducted without payment of further fees.

When a single Active Member forms a single household with another person, without marrying, the Member may notify the Board of Trustees in writing so that the other person may be added to the Membership and inducted without payment of further fees.

In the event of a divorce of parties to an Active, Associate or Life Membership, the retention of membership shall be determined by the parties of the divorce action. The party retaining membership shall notify the Board of Trustees of the determination in writing.

In the event of the death of one of the two persons who constitute an Active Membership, the surviving party may retain membership.



Section 1. Government

Except as provided by these bylaws, the Government of this Club shall reflect a separation of the Club's Governmental duties. The Flag Officers group shall plan, manage, and attend to the social functions and obligations of Olympia Yacht Club. The Board of Trustees shall be responsible for conducting the business and operations of the Club.

(A) BOARD OF TRUSTEES: The Board of Trustees shall consist of the Commodore, Secretary and six Trustees, elected from among active members who have been members of Olympia Yacht Club not less than two full years. The Trustees shall be elected for three year terms, staggered so that there will be two new Trustees elected each year. The Treasurer shall serve as an advisor to the Board of Trustees and shall attend all Board meetings. No member of the Club shall hold two elected offices at the same time. Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the conduct at all meetings when not in conflict with these bylaws.

(B) BOARD RESPONSIBILITIES: The Board of Trustees shall be responsible for handling the financial business of the Club, maintenance, and operation of all facilities, setting of Club policy and conduct of all activities except the boating, social, and inter-club programs. They shall notify the membership of the hiring, rate of pay, and discharge of Club employees. They shall advise and instruct Club employees in the conduct of their duties through the respective chairs. Various elements of the Board's responsibilities may be delegated, but this shall not relieve the Board of Trustees from the ultimate responsibility for these functions.

(C) BOARD MEETINGS: The Board of Trustees shall meet once a month and at such other times as required to conduct Club business. The Board will annually elect a presiding, nonvoting Chairman, (except to break tie votes), from among the six elected Trustees. The Secretary shall attend all Board meetings and shall keep minutes. These minutes shall be posted and reported to the membership at the next general membership meeting.

(1) The membership may modify or reverse any action of the Board of Trustees by two-thirds vote of the voting members present at the next regular or special meeting of the Club following the meeting at which the Board's action is reported to the members.
(2) In order to purchase, sell, mortgage, or dispose of Real Property a notice stating the proposition to be voted upon and official ballot shall be mailed to all members in good standing and entitled to vote, not less than thirty days prior to the date set for the final ballot submission. The counting of returned ballots, and only such ballots as are in the hands of the Secretary at midnight of the day of balloting, shall be conducted by the Secretary and two Trustees. A two thirds vote of approval shall be required for such Real Property actions.

(E) VOTE OF CONFIDENCE: The Board of Trustees, or any member thereof, shall be subject to recall at any time by a "Vote of Confidence" by the membership. The proposal for a Vote of Confidence may be originated by any member of the Club, and the action shall be deemed completed by a majority vote of those members present at any regular meeting of the Club. Voting will be by secret ballot. Announcement of a special election for the purpose of electing a new Board of Trustees, contingent upon the loss of the Vote of Confidence by the incumbent Board of Trustees, shall be a part of the notice to the membership that a Vote of Confidence is to take place. Nothing in this section is to be construed as preventing nomination to a new Board of Trustees of any member of a retiring Board of Trustees.

(F) INDEMNIFICATION: The Olympia Yacht Club shall indemnify each of its officers, trustees, directors, and employees whether or not then in office (and their executor, administrator, and heirs) against all reasonable expense actually, necessarily and reasonably incurred by them, including, but not limited to, judgment costs and counsel fees, in connection with the defense of any litigation, including any civil or administrative action, suit or proceeding, to which he may have been made a part because he is or was a trustee, officer, director or employee of the Club. He shall have no right to reimbursement, however, in relation to matters to which he has been adjudged liable to the Club for gross negligence, gross intentional misconduct, or knowing violation of the law, in the performance of his duties. The right to indemnify for expenses shall also apply to expense of suits which are compromised or settled if the court having jurisdiction of the action shall approve such settlement, or a majority of the Board of Trustees, excluding those interested, vote such a settlement. As used in this paragraph an "interested" trustee, officer, director or employee is one against whom the proceeding in question or another proceeding on the same or similar grounds is or has been instituted.


Elections of Trustees and Club Officers, and of all ballot measures shall be conducted by the Secretary by electronic ballot sent to the e-mail address of the managing partner of each Active or Life membership. All ballots shall include any statements submitted in support of an officer candidate, or in support or opposition to other ballot measures, and, in the case of Trustee and Officer positions on the ballot, shall also make provision for a write-in candidate.

The ballots shall be sent at least ten (10) days before the ballot closes. If a member cannot vote electronically, a paper ballot may be requested that must be submitted to the Secretary before the vote closes. Only one vote will be allowed per membership. If a vote cannot be conducted electronically, a paper ballot shall be mailed to the address of record for each membership at least twenty (20) days prior to the ballot closing.

All votes will be secret, will be tabulated electronically, and will be verified by at least two Trustees and/or Club Officers who are not on the ballot; if paper ballots are used, the votes will be counted and verified by two Trustees and/or Club Officers who are not on the ballot. The results of the vote will be announced by the Secretary at the next Board meeting, entered into the minutes of the meeting, and emailed to the membership.


Section 2. Officers

The Commodore, Vice Commodore, and Rear Commodore are the Flag Officers of the Club. They will proceed through the flag offices as long as they remain in an elective office of the Club.

The Elective Officers shall consist of the following:
(A) COMMODORE: The Commodore shall be elected from among the active members of the Club who have served at least two terms in an elective flag office previous to his nomination for Commodore. The Commodore shall not succeed himself but shall be eligible for re-nomination and election as Commodore after being retired from that office for a period of at least one year. He shall preside at all meetings of the general membership and at all monthly Flag Officer meetings. He shall appoint those officers and committees responsible for the boating, social, and inter-club programs and activities of Olympia Yacht Club and shall serve as Ex Officio member on his appointed committees. He shall report to and be a voting member of the Board of Trustees.

(B) VICE COMMODORE: The Vice Commodore shall be elected from among the active members of the Club who have served at least one term in an elective Flag Office previous to his nomination for Vice Commodore. He shall assist the Commodore in the discharge of his duties, and in the event of the Commodore's absence or disability, shall officiate in his stead.

(C) REAR COMMODORE: The Rear Commodore shall be elected from among the active members of the Club. He shall assist the Commodore and Vice Commodore in the discharge of their duties and in the event of their absence shall officiate in their stead.

(D) FLAG OFFICER RESPONSIBILITIES: The Flag Officer Group shall be responsible for handling the boating, social and inter-club activities of Olympia Yacht Club. The Flag Officer Group shall meet monthly, approximately seven days prior to the monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees. Various elements of the Flag Officer Group's responsibilities may be delegated, but this shall not relieve the Flag Officer Group from the ultimate responsibility for these functions. The Flag Officer Group shall also approve the operating codes of all committees appointed by the Commodore.

(E) SECRETARY: The Secretary shall be elected annually from among the active members of the Club and shall keep a true record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Club and the Board of Trustees. The Secretary shall handle all Club correspondence and perform such duties as are usually incumbent upon the office, or essential to the proper conduct of the Club and its affairs, or which may be imposed by the Board or Bridge from time to time or by these bylaws. The Secretary shall be a voting member of the Board of Trustees and attend all meetings of the Board.

(F) PAST COMMODORE: The immediate Past Commodore shall serve as an advisor to, and member of the Flag Officers Group. The Immediate Past Commodore shall hold office for a period of one year until a new Commodore shall be inducted. In the event the immediate Past Commodore is unable to serve in office, the Board of Trustees shall elect any Past Commodore to this office.

(G)FLEET CAPTAINS (1) SAIL and (1) POWER: The Fleet Captains shall be elected from the active members of the Club and shall act as the Commodore's executive officers in respect to the supervision of all boating related activities and shall be responsible for reporting those programs under their direction to the Board of Trustees and the Club members.

(H) FLAG OFFICERS APPOINTED COMMITTEES: The Bridge may appoint such committees as may be deemed necessary or appropriate.


The Board of Trustees shall appoint the following positions/committees and other committees that may be deemed necessary or appropriate:

Budget & Finance
Club House
Community & Governmental Affairs

Club Service Program (CSP)

Island Home
Juniors Program

Long-Range Planning

Main Station


Moorage Master



Safety & Education

Sailing Education Program



The Board of Trustees shall appoint the above committees consisting of a minimum of three members each. Members shall be appointed for staggered three-year terms. A member’s term on a committee may be extended past the three-year term limit by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees. Committee members shall only be removed by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall also approve the operating codes of all Committees. All Committees shall advise the Officers and Trustees, making their studies available for their guidance. Before the beginning of the Club's fiscal year the committees shall prepare and submit a budget to the Budget & Finance Committee. It shall be the duty of each committee to report to the Board of Trustees and the membership any conditions or trends which it feels require the membership's attention


Section 3. Board of Trustees

Duty and Authority:

(A) The Board of Trustees shall have the authority to approve the disbursement of Club funds, make assessments, arrange for their care and deposit, collection, compromise or settle claims for or against the Club, for which purpose it may retain counsel. The Board of Trustees exercises complete control over the funds, property, and business of the Club, except as otherwise provided by these Bylaws. It shall meet not less than once a month and at other such times as the Chairman on his own motion or on the written request of any two members thereof may direct. A Quorum for the purpose of transacting business shall consist of a majority of the Board. In the event that any member of the Board shall absent himself without good and sufficient cause, of which the Board shall be the judge, from three consecutive meetings, the Board shall declare his office vacant and report its action to the Club at the next regular meeting. Any vacancy on the Board thus created shall be filled as prescribed in Section 5 (D).

(B) The chair of the Board of Trustees and Secretary shall be authorized to sign and execute any and all contracts and agreements approved by the Board of Trustees and/or the membership. Dual signatures are required.


Section 4. Meetings and Order of Business

The following order of business shall be followed by the Chair, unless as a matter of expediency or a motion duly passed, it shall be departed from:

  1. Roll call of officers

  2. Minutes of the previous meeting of the Club are posted on the website.

  3. Minutes of the previous meeting of the Board are posted on the website.

  4. Reading of communications

  5. Action on communications

  6. Applications for membership (vote by Board of Trustees)

  7. Reports of officers: Commodore,Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, Fleet Captains, Past Commodore, Treasurer

  8. Reports of committees

  9. Unfinished business

  10. Induction of new officers (June meeting only)

  11. New business

  12. Good and welfare of the Club

  13. Adjournment


Section 5. Election of Officers

(A)  Nominations: At the regular March meeting the Chairman of the Board of Trustees shall call upon the nominating committee for its report. This committee shall consist of five Active Members of the Club, including at least one Past Commodore who shall be designated Chairman of the committee. All other members shall be active members in good standing during the preceding full two-year period. This committee shall render a full report at the next (April) regular meeting of the Club, submitting a list of at least one nominee for each office, in writing, to the Secretary, who shall then read the list to the members present.

Nominations may then be made from the floor and the names of the nominees accepted by the Secretary, subject to the nominees' consent. All nominees must, at the time of their nomination, be qualified for the office for which they are nominated and be in good standing. Marital partners or two unmarried persons who constitute an Active or Life Membership may not hold office jointly nor serve on the same Board of Trustees. Formal closing of the nominations will be the last order of business at the regular April membership meeting each year.

(B)  Elections: Election of Trustees and Club Officers shall be held, pursuant to Article 4, section 1(G), prior to the regular membership meeting of the Club in May of each year. Voting will close the day before the May meeting, and results of the voting will be announced at the May meeting. The candidates with the most votes shall be elected to the open positions. If there are two open positions, such as with the Board of Trustees, and the two top candidates are in a tie, then they will both be elected. In the event of a tie on any other position, a runoff vote on such position shall be held immediately after the meeting by electronic ballot with only the tied nominees on the ballot.

(C)  Induction of New Officers: Shall take place at the regular meeting of the club in June, required by Article 4, Section 4. All business of the Club thereafter shall be transacted by the new officers.

(D)Vacancy: Elections shall be held at any regular meeting when a vacancy D. Vacancy: Elections shall be held whenever a vacancy occurs in any of the elective offices, after proclamation of the Commodore and due notice of at least one month to all members of the Club. In the event of death, permanent disability, or resignation of any elective officer, the Board of Trustees shall thereupon declare such office vacant, and thereafter hold a special election, pursuant to Article 4, section 1(G), for the purpose of electing a qualified candidate to fill the unexpired term. Eligibility shall be as specified for the office declared vacant. Any officer having sold or otherwise disposed of his boat shall serve until his term expires. No member may hold two elective offices at any one time.


Section 6. Removal from Office
Any flag officer may be removed from office by written petition submitted by any member to the Secretary or Board Chair, along with a statement in support of the petition, after notification to all members, and upon a two-thirds affirmative vote of the voting membership, conducted pursuant to Article 4, section 1(G). However, no such vote shall be taken until a reasonable opportunity has been given to the officer to appear, in their defense, before the Board of Trustees, which shall present its recommendation to the membership at the next regular Club membership meeting; the recommendation of the Board, along with the statement in support of the petition for removal, shall thereafter be included in the ballot for vote upon the petition.


Section 7. Salaries
Salaries shall not be paid to any officer of the Club except as voted by the Board of Trustees.


Section 8. Standing Committees
Shall be those as directed and appointed by the Board of Trustees.


Section 9. Auxiliaries
The Olympia Yacht Club, through the Board of Trustees, may authorize the formation of Auxiliaries with proven interest in furthering the boating skills and social welfare of the Club.



Section 1. Cap Devices and Burgee
The Club cap device shall consist of a round button enameled white bearing a blue star in the center of a white field. This button shall be worn in the center of a suitable officer's cap bearing an emblem of two fouled anchors crossed over each other and passing through a gold circle in the center of a blue or black background with the anchor flukes down. The Club burgee shall consist of a suitable triangular flag pennant, having a white background, a red field with its larger measurement starting at the hoist and extending outward of one third of the length of the pennant and angling down and back to the hoist. A 5-pointed blue star shall be embossed in the center of the white field. All Active Members shall be entitled to fly this pennant while they remain in good standing in the Club.

Section 2. Commodore's Flag
Shall be a blue rectangular flag with a circle of 13 white stars centered with a fouled anchor.

Section 3. Vice Commodore's Flag
Shall be a red rectangular flag with a circle of 13 white stars centered with a fouled anchor.

Section 4. Rear Commodore's Flag
Shall be a white rectangular flag with a circle of 13 red stars centered with a fouled anchor.

Section 5. Secretary's Flag
Shall be a white rectangular flag with crossed feather pens in the center.

Section 6. Others
Such official flags as may be approved for display by the Board of Trustees.



These Bylaws repeal all previous Bylaws and Amendments thereto of the Olympia Yacht Club.



These Bylaws may be amended by the membership through the following procedure:

(1) The Board of Trustees may consider Bylaws amendments for proposal to the membership:

(a) On its own initiative at a regularly scheduled Board of Trustees meeting, or
(b) On recommendation in writing from any Club member eligible to vote.

(2) An amendment may be proposed to the membership by either:
  (a) The Board of Trustees or
  (b) If within 60 days after receipt of a recommended amendment in accordance with (1)b of this Article, the Board fails to approve the amendment for proposal to the membership, the amendment may be proposed by petition signed by at least 15% of the members eligible to vote. A petitioner shall present a copy of the petitioned amendment to the Secretary. The Secretary shall verify that the petition satisfies the requirements of (1) and (2) of this Article at the next regularly scheduled Board of Trustees meeting.

(3)  Once the Board of Trustees approves its own or member recommended amendment for proposal to the membership or has received a verified petition for amendment under paragraph (2)(b), above, the Secretary shall then email the proposed or petitioned amendment to all members and arrange publication in the Club’s Beachcomber newsletter and posting to the Club website of the proposed or petitioned amendment.

(4)  At the next regularly scheduled Board of Trustees meeting following the notice as provided in paragraph (3), above, the Trustees will review the proposed or petitioned amendment, and open the floor to discussion and entertain any changes deemed necessary to the text of the amendment; however, no changes may be made to the text of a petitioned amendment without the concurrence of the petitioner. The Board will then approve the final proposed or petitioned amendment for submission to a vote the membership.

(5)  The Secretary shall email the final version of the proposed or petitioned amendment to all members and arrange for posting in and around the Clubhouse and on the Club website prior to the next regularly scheduled Membership meeting, prior to which meeting a vote of the membership to approve the amendment shall be conducted under the provisions of Article 4, section 1(G) with the vote closing on the day before the membership meeting. The proposed amendment shall be approved by a two-thirds affirmative vote of those members voting and the results shall be announced by the Secretary at this meeting.



These Bylaws shall be liberally construed and enforced by the Board of Trustees to foster the purposes of the Club as expressed herein.



The Board of Trustees shall have the authority to promulgate, amend, or repeal, Rules and Regulations inconsistent with the bylaws and for the good of the Club, which apply to the general membership of the Club, said rules to be enclosed under the same cover with the Constitution and Bylaws. Amendments to these Rules and Regulations may be acted upon at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees, under the following conditions:

(1) At least two weeks’ notice is given of a rule change thereof in both of two methods:

  1. by reading of the proposed rule at the regular meeting of the membership, and

  2. by posting the text of a rule for not less than two weeks at conspicuous places on

    Yacht Club property.

(2) Any interested member shall submit views in writing or orally at the Board meeting in which the proposed rules are to be adopted.


Revised 1.1.2020

The following rules shall not be considered as part of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Olympia Yacht Club, but are hereby duly adopted as rules and regulations subject to amendment or repeal only in accordance with Article 9 of the Bylaws.

Rule 1: Reciprocal Moorage:
(a) Members of recognized reciprocal yacht clubs will be allowed 48 hours

(2 days) free moorage and use of one power outlet on the OYC visitor floats. After 48 hours, they will pay $0.50 per foot per day for a maximum of five days total moorage in any 30 day period (2 days free & 3 days paid). Any extension beyond five must be approved by the Moorage Master or Main Station Chair.

(b) Special events for visiting yacht clubs are approved by the Commodore and may be granted extended reciprocal privileges (coordinated with Moorage Master).

Rule 2: A completed/signed OYC Moorage Agreement must be filed with Moorage Master prior to berth assignment/occupation. All boats are moored at owner's risk. The Club shall not in any way be responsible for loss sustained by theft, stress of weather, fire, collision, or careless handling of boats by other parties, whether said parties are members of the Club or not.

Rule 3: Club members are advised to respect the rights of other boat owners by:

(a) Keeping off other people's boats.
(b) Staying out of other people's boathouses.
(c) Furnishing ample strength mooring lines, so arranged that there be no danger of coming in contact with another boat during the member's absence.
(d) Operating their vessels in a safe and courteous manner.
(e) Members will report to the Caretaker or Main Station Chair any irregular moorage or hazardous conditions on Club premises.
(f) 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM is considered quiet time (no loud or disturbing noises).

Rule 4: The Club may refuse mooring to, and order taken from the premises any boat or boathouse that is maintained in a condition of dilapidation and neglect, so that it becomes unsightly, a nuisance, and a hazard to the Club property, and/or other member's property.

(a) Non Commercial Use: Olympia Yacht Club is not a commercial marine facility. Specifically prohibited from operating from within the confines of Olympia Yacht Club are commercial or business concessions, (which includes but is not limited to; boat and equipment sales, fueling, repair, maintenance, brokerage, charter, fishing or commission activities). Brokers, sales, maintenance or repair persons may conduct their sales or work activities pertaining to a member's boat or boathouse by gaining proper access to Club facilities, through the member in accordance with established OYC procedures as set forth in Rules and Regulations.

(b) Registration: any boat kept within the Olympia Yacht Club facility will comply with current city, state and federal registration laws. Any boat that is registered for other than pleasure will not be used or boarded for any purpose other than pleasure within the confines of Olympia Yacht Club.

Rule 5: Penalties for noncompliance with "Bylaws, Rules, Regulations and Agreements "of OYC:
(a) Any member found in violation of adopted OYC Bylaws, Rules, Regulations and/or Agreements (moorage or otherwise) shall be subject to actions provided for in Article 3, Section 6 of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Olympia Yacht Club.

(b) OYC is entitled to reimbursement for the costs it incurs to enforce compliance with OYC Bylaws, Rules, Regulations and Agreements with its members. Members who fail to comply with OYC Bylaws, Rules, Regulations and Agreements will be billed for, and will be responsible for the payment of actual costs incurred by OYC to enforce compliance, including the payment of OYC's attorney's fees and court cost.

Rule 6: Any boat leaving or approaching its mooring, or Club property, must observe a maximum speed of 5 knots and leave no wake. OYC members will abide by all boating laws and will not operate their vessel in a reckless manner. The owner of the vessel will be held responsible for any damage created by the vessel’s wake.

Rule 7: The Club has placed fire extinguishers in convenient places. The members should familiarize themselves with the location of the fire extinguishers and fire alarm system.

Rule 8: The Club docks may be used by members while making repairs or alterations to their boats, but all litter and rubbish must be cleaned away before leaving the docks. Members using the Club workshop must clean up any litter made by them. Any member wishing to use the grids shall ask the Caretaker for an assignment date and read, complete, and sign the approved grid registration form. If for any reason the member is unable to use the date given, adequate notice of cancellation should be given the Caretaker, so that the specified date can be reassigned. Any member found in violation of the signed grid agreement shall be subject to action as specified in Article 3, Section 7 of the OYC Bylaws.

Rule 9: (a) Each boat slip or boat house is entitled to one, and only one, 120- volt, 30-amp GFCI protected connection to the OYC Marina electrical system. For safety purposes, the pedestal electrical connection may not be locked.
(b) Before any connection in excess of the 120-volt, 30-amp service or any non-standard connection is installed to the electrical system, it must be approved by the Board of Trustees.

(c) The Board of Trustees may grant a limited number of exceptions based upon the capacity of the Marina electrical infrastructure. A member may request an exception in writing. Each exception must be reapproved annually. An exception does not transfer with the sale of the boat or boathouse. Any violation of the provisions of this rule will result in the disconnection from the OYC electrical system, after proper notice.

Rule 10: No boathouses shall contain showers, sinks, laundry or other equipment that permits gray water to drain into the Sound.

Rule 11: Storage of motor fuel or the fueling of boats is prohibited (other than outboard motors or space heaters) in compliance with fire codes.

Rule 12: The use of electrical fence units is not permitted.
Rule 13: No member or guest shall throw or discharge, pump or deposit from

any boat or float refuse, oil, antifreeze or flammable liquid into the water. Individual members are solely responsible for penalties, fines and legal actions resulting from violations of this rule.

Rule 14: Slips and Boathouses

(a)The Board of Trustees and/or the Moorage Master has the right to change the slip assignment of any boat or boathouse moored at the Club docks at any time they deem necessary for the best interest of the Club.
(b)Any member making a modification to the exterior of the boathouse, or proposing to build a new boathouse, or to rebuild an existing boathouse will be

required to secure an OYC “BOATHOUSE BUILDING, REMODELING, RELOCATION PERMIT". This permit, to be valid, must be signed by the Moorage Master and the Main Station Chair. The OYC permit will be valid for a period of six months from the date of approval.

(c.) Members wishing to lease their boathouse/berth shall notify the Moorage Master in writing prior to occupancy by the lessee. Said leases are to Club members only. Upon approval by the Moorage Master, the lessee may occupy the boathouse/berth for a period of up to six months from the date of approval. Any extensions beyond a given six-month period must be approved by the Board of Trustees.

Rule 15: Any vessel (including dinghies) that extends beyond the finger pier or boathouse must be approved by the Moorage Master in writing.

Rule 16: (a) Without exception, the sale of a boat, or boathouse (except dinghies) moored within the Olympia Yacht Club facilities will be reported to the Moorage Master in writing within five (5) days of sale. Any nonmember purchasing a boat or boathouse as described above and desiring the vessel’s berth must apply for membership and be approved as an active member before taking possession of the boathouse or berth. The sale of a boathouse to a nonmember shall be contingent upon the buyer becoming an active member. (b) Should the sale of a boat be completed prior to active membership approval and the new owner plans to use the boat, the boat must be moved off Club premises until such time the applicant becomes an active member. Upon approval of active membership, the berth/boathouse may be utilized. All boathouses and berths must be returned to 120-volt, 30-amp, GFCI power prior to sale. Noncompliance is grounds for termination of moorage rights for the seller and buyer.
Rule 17: Privileges of the Club are extended to all members of a family having membership. This does not include members of a family maintaining a separate household or over age 21. Junior Members are governed by these rules.

Rule 18: The Club Burgee will be flown at all times within the confines of any Olympia Yacht Club facility or reciprocal club facility. Any commercial venture such as charter will not display the Club Burgee or be entitled to membership privileges such as reciprocal moorage unless the Club member is actually on board.

Rule 19: Any member (except juniors) may obtain use of the Clubhouse for private parties by filing a "Clubhouse Use" application, receiving approval, and the payment of current rental fees. Approval is given by the Club House Chair.

Rule 20: All boathouses shall conform to all city, county, and state building and electrical codes and must be metal-covered. All replacements of covering or siding of boathouses shall be of like material. An uncovered window shall be inserted at the float end of each boathouse so as to make visible the contents therein to the Caretaker upon inspection.

Rule 21: Members wishing to live aboard vessels must first receive written approval from the Board of Trustees. A completed/signed OYC Liveaboard Agreement must be on file with the Treasurer prior to living aboard. In addition, liveaboards must also file an OYC Moorage Agreement in accordance with Rule 2. Thirteen liveaboards is the maximum authorized. As used in these rules, a "liveaboard" is a member that lives aboard his or her vessel moored at the OYC as his or her primary residence for more than 20 days in a month.

Rule 22: Vehicle parking at Olympia Yacht Club:
(a) The following is the OYC parking policy for members, non-members, and vendors. Parking privileges are intended for members who are attending events and/or while on their boats cruising or liveaboards. The OYC lot should NOT be used for general or prolonged vehicle storage.
1. Trailers and motor homes are not to utilize the parking lot, except for

loading and unloading purposes. OYC owned and Jr. Sailor’s trailers are

2. Members may not have more than two (2) vehicles, including guests, per

family in the parking lot at one time.
3. All member vehicles must display an OYC parking sticker adhered on the

front window only of the vehicle CLEARLY VISIBLE in all light conditions. Additional parking stickers may be purchased from the Caretaker for $1.50. Parking stickers may NOT be purchased for or given to anyone other than a household family member.

4. ALL vehicles without Club window decal displayed shall be registered with the Caretaker each day. On weekends (May through September), National Holidays, and meeting nights, members without a window decal, guests, and nonmembers shall park off premises. Except for these times or when signage is displayed disallowing guest parking, such parking is permitted from 6am to 5 pm.

5. All parked vehicles must have current State license/registration.
6. Parking is permitted only in designated areas. Fire lanes must be kept clear and Bridge/Employee spaces are reserved at all times. Motorcycles

shall be parked in areas designated for their use, if so marked.
7. If a vehicle is parked in the OYC lot without a CLEARLY VISIBLE sticker, AND is not properly registered, OR in violation of this policy, such vehicle will be towed, without warning, at the owner’s expense. The

current cost for this is about $400.
(b) Parking policy for vendors: Vendors who have met the qualifications to

work unescorted at the OYC facility, e.g. have valid access cards, are entitled to park a single vehicle at the Mainstation facility parking lot subject to the following conditions:
Note: Non-registered vendors hired by members may park in the OYC lot subject to the vendor parking restrictions and daily registrations (see 1-7 above). HOWEVER, the hiring member MUST BE PRESENT during all times such vendors are working in the facility.

1. The vehicle may occupy no more than a single parking space, e.g. no oversized vehicles are permitted.
2. Parking will be permitted between 6am and 5pm; no overnight parking.
3. The lot located behind Thriftway or the south row parking spaces are to be

used by vendors until/unless all such spaces are occupied.
4. Vendors may not park at the Main Station facility; 1) on national holidays; 2) on weekends from May through September; and 3) if a sign is posted declaring no guest parking on that day.
5. A valid OYC (vendor) parking sticker must be clearly displayed on the exterior of the vendor’s vehicle.
6. Vendor agrees to waive any liability on behalf of OYC for damage to vendor’s vehicle.
7. Any exceptions to the above must be requested of the Mainstation chair in writing and approved.
8. Failure to comply with the above may result in the vehicle being towed at the expense of the vendor and suspension of parking and/or vendor access privileges.
Rule 23: Complaints of any nature shall be taken before the Board of Trustees at their regular meeting times. The Board shall give such complaint due consideration and render a decision which, in its considered judgment, shall be in accordance with Club Bylaws, Rules, Regulations and Agreements.
Rule 24: Members shall not loan card-keys to nonmembers. Nonmembers requiring use of a card-key, such as workmen, must have the member obtain a card-key through the Caretaker according to Main Station policies. Strangers who are found on Club property shall be asked for identification and their purpose for being on Club property (guests are not to wander around dock, other boathouses, board boats). The Caretaker has the authority to refuse access to Club property to any nonmember.

Rule 25: A maximum of two card-keys will be issued to each member. Any card broken or damaged may be returned to the Caretaker for replacement at no charge. To replace a LOST card-key, a personal or written request is required to the Caretaker and member’s account will be charged $5.00.

Rule 26: Standard practice in the selection of a contractor by the Board of Trustees will be to develop specifications for bidding and to seek at least three bids for any project between $5,000 and $10,000. Exceptions to standard practice must be approved by the Board of Trustees.

Rule 27: Members’ use of OYC reciprocal docks:
Members of OYC are allowed a maximum of 24 hours’ moorage at the visitors’ float in any 30 day period. Any extension of this limit must be approved in advance by the Moorage Master or Main Station Chair, and will be charged at the rate of $0.50 per foot per day.

Rule 28:

There shall be no modifications by members to OYC docks (to include attaching additional floating structures to the docks), electrical systems (to include placing locks on power pedestals), water systems, or floats. Any modifications discovered shall be corrected at the direction of the Main Station

Chair at the member’s expense and may be taken before the Board of Trustees for appropriate corrective/disciplinary action. Exceptions to this rule may be approved by the Board on a case-by-case basis.
Rule 29: Any OYC member who moors a boat permanently or temporarily, in an OYC facility must meet the insurance liability requirements of Rule 11, (of the OYC Moorage Agreement Rules and Regulations). Any Member who uses a boat in an OYC sponsored activity must also meet the insurance liability requirements of the Moorage Agreement Rule 11.

Rule 30: Initiation fee shall be as follows:
(a) Active Member: $3,000.00 plus State and Federal taxes, if any.
(b) Associate Member: $3,000.00 plus State and Federal Taxes, if any.
(c) Junior Member: $50.00 plus State and Federal taxes, if any. Except that

this requirement shall be waived for applicants for Junior Membership who are dependents of any Active Member.


Olympia Yacht Club Membership Code of Conduct

Approved, Board of Trustees’ Meeting, September 12, 2018


Membership with the Olympia Yacht Club is a privilege and with that privilege come certain responsibilities. This Member Code of Conduct outlines the expectations of OYC members to ensure that OYC members and guests enjoy Club facilities in a safe and respectful manner.

General Principles

Members and guests will show courtesy and respect to all others at all times. Members and guests will observe all rules and regulations established by the Club.

Safety First - Be mindful of individual safety and the safety of others involved on Club premises and/or during Club activities.
Respect Always - Show respect, civility and consideration towards other Club members, guests, staff and Club property at all times.

Honesty and Integrity - All members must ensure that they, their guests and children abide by the Club rules and this Member Code of Conduct at all times. No OYC member shall be given or expect preferential treatment, including the Bridge, Board of Trustees, Committee Chairs and/or Volunteers.
Appropriate Behavior

Respect, dignity and proper regard to all members’ rights and obligations. Respect for the privacy of others.
Fair, considerate and honest treatment of others.
Mature and acceptable social behavior while at the Club.

Mindful behavior of individual safety and the safety of all others. Responsibility that all guests abide by the Club’s Member Code of Conduct. Youth Protection
Parents or parent substitutes shall be responsible for the conduct of persons in their care under 18 years of age at all times. Members, office holders and volunteers who instruct or assist children in any Club-endorsed activity must adhere to this standard.
Violations of the Member Code of Conduct will be referred to the Board of Trustees for review and resolution. Should the offending member’s conduct be found to be improper or injurious to the interest or good order of the Club, they may be subject to Article 3, Section 6, Suspension and expulsion, of the Club By-Laws.

Adapted from Lewes Yacht Club, Lewes, Delaware


Revised 1/21/2004
Revised 9/6/2017

Preamble: In the spirit of the Olympia Yacht Club bylaws, it is the intention of the following rules and regulations to reserve the Olympia Yacht Club (OYC) marina moorage for ACTIVE MEMBERS.

1. A member in good standing who has filed a proper application for moorage and has signed a copy of the Moorage Agreement (filed with the Moorage Master) may be assigned an available berth in the Olympia Yacht Club basin. Member shall be entitled to occupy an assigned berth as long as he/she fully complies with currently approved moorage rules and membership rules. Member may be reassigned to another available berth on application, or in the best interests of the club's facilities, or as further indicated by these rules.

2. All boathouses shall conform to design standards approved by the board as to size, type, flotation, construction, and color. Member will contact Main Station Chair if changes are desired.

3. To retain possession of an assigned berth a member must:
(a) Pay the fee established by the board for berth rental and services,

monthly, in advance.
(b) Maintain the boat and/or boathouse in such a condition that it is not

deemed in the opinion of the Moorage Master or Main Station Chair to be a hazard or a detriment to the OYC moorage facilities. Further, any member assigned moorage in the marina must maintain his boat in a seaworthy condition. The boat must be capable of leaving the marina under its own power at least once every six months.

(c) Provide and maintain adequate mooring lines for the boat and see that the boat is secure in the moorage.

(d) All boathouses shall comply with "tie down" rules for safe moorage. The minimum "ties" to be used on a boathouse for this purpose are 3/8 inch galvanized chain, in good condition, holding the boathouse securely at each outboard corner to the float and to adjacent boathouses at the opposite end as required in boathouse standards.

(e) Keep the walkways and other areas in the vicinity of the berth clean and free from waste and other material. The Main Station Chair or Moorage Master is authorized to dispose of all material found on the floats outside the limits of any berth and charge the cost of removal to the owner/tenant/occupant thereof. Members are responsible for removal of hazardous accumulation of snow over their respective moorage; if OYC hired crews remove the snow, the member will be billed accordingly.

(f) Fly the OYC burgee while moored in the OYC marina.
4. No member may rent or permit the use of his berth by any nonmember. Use of a berth by any other member must receive prior approval of the Moorage Master and shall be for a period of 90 days or less. This time (90 days) may be extended up to a maximum of 180 days with prior approval of the Board of Trustees. Use of the berth by any other members for periods longer than

180 days are subject to Board of Trustees approval.
5. MOORAGE APPLICATION/RETENTION. There shall be publicly posted

in the OYC Club House and on the website a current list of applicants for berths and for changes of berths, listed by size in beam feet and length, and this list shall govern the determination of the Moorage Master in assigning berths. The control copy of this list shall be kept in the OYC office files. Berths shall be assigned in accordance with the date and time of receipt of the application by OYC, the oldest application receiving priority, except that applications for exchanges of equal space for position purposes take precedence over new applications. When a berth is offered to an applicant he shall have 7 days in which to accept the berth. Should the member be unable to occupy, except for good cause, said member name shall be placed on a standby list.

6. When a berth becomes vacant by reason of the disposal of a boat or boathouse, the member shall advise the Moorage Master in writing and shall have 180 days to reoccupy it with a vessel, unless this period shall be extended by the board of trustees. Such extension shall be granted only by reason of delay in delivery or building of a boat for which the member can show a bona fide order or contract, or for other good reason.
7. SALE/PURCHASE/MOORAGE PRIVILEGE. The sale or transfer of ownership of a boat and/or boathouse which has been moored in a regularly assigned berth in the OYC marina shall be subject to the following conditions:
(a) Conditions to be met on the sale of the boat and/or boathouse with transfer of moorage privilege:

(1) The boat and/or boathouse must be compatible under current moorage rules.

(2) If the purchaser is not an active member of the Olympia Yacht Club, he must make application for active membership and be accepted; he must sign a Moorage Agreement before a transfer of berth is made.

(3) If a boat is sold to a member without a berth, the buying member is entitled to hold the berth, provided he does not have another berth in the OYC marina. If the buying member has an existing berth, he must agree to divest himself of any such berth in the OYC marina within a period of 60 days. It is the intent of OYC membership that one vessel, and provided there is space, one moorage be granted per membership. From time to time, a member may have more than one vessel or moorage. However, the duration of multiple moorages must be reasonably short in order to satisfy members on the waiting list. The By-Laws of OYC provide the Board of Trustees with authority to fine members in non- compliance with existing Rules and Regulations. The fine schedule for non-compliance with this section is as follows:

First 90 days: No additional charge for first moorage Second 90 days: 120% of fee schedule for first moorage Third 90 days: 140% of fee schedule for first moorage Fourth 90 days: 160% of fee schedule for first moorage

If a member is still in non-compliance at the end of one year, he must appear before the Board of Trustees. The BOT will consider continuing the 160% fee, or require removal of the boathouse from the OYC marina.

(b) Conditions to be met when member sells the boat and wants to retain assigned berth: See #6.

(c) Mutual exchanges of berths between members are prohibited except upon prior written approval of the Moorage Master.

8. In case of emergency or disaster threatening injury to persons or damage or destruction to property, or in case any boat and/or boathouse becomes a dangerous instrument, any employee or member of the club present is authorized to take such steps as he may deem necessary to meet such emergency, danger or disaster, and no liability thereafter shall be incurred by the OYC or the individual concerned.

9. A request for a change of berth or for permission to place a boathouse in an assigned berth must be made in writing to the Moorage Master.

10. For violation of the OYC rules and regulations as set forth herein or elsewhere adopted, the board may order a boat and/or boathouse be moved or removed by the owner or person in charge of such boat and/or boathouse from its assigned berth or place of rest in this facility within 14 days at the owner's expense and responsibility. Such order shall be issued as a written notification and shall be hand delivered, or its delivery entrusted to the Postal Service as certified mail. Whether this notification is delivered or not, the Moorage Master may assume control for the Olympia Yacht Club Board of Trustees at the expiration of the 14 day period (or up to the 17th day, to include postage time), and may carry out the order to move such property promptly and in a safe and prudent manner. Nothing in this section shall preclude the allowance of extra time for the owner of the property to comply with these rules or the bylaws, if the board deems such additional time to be in the best interests of the OYC, or for other just cause. The undersigned agrees to assume full responsibility for all costs and damage incident to such removal and subsequent storage.

11. Members shall maintain a current insurance policy on their boat and boathouse (if applicable) of not less than $300,000.00 liability. The Olympia Yacht Club shall be named on the member’s policy in a manner acceptable to the insurer so that the Olympia Yacht Club is notified by the insurer of any change or cancellation in the policy including the annual renewal. Members also agree that they have reviewed the FIRE SAFETY CHECK LIST and will return a completed and signed copy to the Moorage Master annually.

12. In consideration of being assigned a berth in the OYC marina, members agree to be governed by the conditions in the OYC Constitution and Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, and the Moorage Agreement. Members will have examined the moorage provided by OYC and accept it as safe, satisfactory, and sufficient, and member will agree on behalf of their family and guests to use it carefully and at their own risk, being well aware of the ordinary hazards incident to the use and employment of such facilities. The care and safety of member’s boat, boathouse, equipment, and other things of value stored or kept on these premises shall solely be their responsibility. Members further agree and understand that the Olympia Yacht Club, its members and employees shall be saved and held harmless from any claim whatsoever for damage to the member’s boat, boathouse or other property because of the granting of this request, or incurred as a result of enforcing the provisions thereof.

13. Members further agree that applicable OYC rules, regulations and bylaws existing at the date of signature of these regulations, or subsequently adopted under the club bylaws and posted on the club bulletin board and on the website, are accepted as being part of this document.

14. Members further agree as a member with moorage in the OYC marina that they will not share any ownership in a boat and/or boathouse with a non- OYC member if OYC moorage is included.

15. Members further agree that for security purposes, they shall maintain a light in the boat and/or boathouse facilitating night time checks by the Caretaker.

Olympia Yacht Club Liveaboard Agreement Revised 9/6/2017

Liveaboards must be approved in advance by the OYC Board of Trustees in accordance with Rule 21 of the Rules and Regulations of the OYC. Liveaboard vessels must be self-contained with reasonable galley, sleeping, shower, and head facilities. The number of people permitted to live aboard a vessel will be limited according to the size, facilities, and equipment of the vessel.

1. Permission to live aboard is granted solely to the member granted permission by the Board of Trustees, and his or her immediate family including spouse, significant other, and minor children. Such permission may not be transferred to or exercised by any other party. No minor may live aboard unless the adult member/owner of the vessel or other adult individual of the member's family is also living aboard. Temporary liveaboard or emergency may be approved by the BOT on a case by case basis. Changes to this agreement not priorly approved by the BOT negates this agreement.

2. Liveaboards should have a self-contained capability for several days in the event of dockside power or water system failure and winter freezing conditions. Electrical power requirements for liveaboards must be kept within the club limits of the specific slip or boathouse.

3. Liveaboards applying for liveaboard status shall provide a black water pump-out plan acceptable to the club.
4. Liveaboards must maintain a telephone and keep the caretaker notified of the current number.

5. Liveaboards must pay the monthly liveaboard fee as established by the Board of Trustees.
6. The Board shall provide written notice to a live aboard after his or her indebtedness to the Club falls more than 60 days in arrears. A live board's permission to live aboard will be automatically revoked without notice from the BOT when the live aboard becomes over 90 days in arrears.

7. Liveaboard permission may be revoked on 30 days' written notice by the Board of Trustees if the live aboard fails to comply with written requests from the BOT to correct an issue of noncompliance or safety.

8. The Board of Trustees may delegate some or all of its responsibilities under this Agreement to the Main Station Committee.

9. As used in this Agreement, "live aboard" shall have the same meaning as the term is defined in the Rule 21 of the Rules and Regulations of the OYC.


Island Home Rules
For the preservation and enjoyment of our Island Home, please observe the following rules.

1 .Always fly your burgee for identification purposes. This rule applies to all boats, including speed boats, dinghies, etc. mooring at Island Home.

2. The Island Home facilities are limited to Olympia Yacht Club members, onboard guests or invited guests traveling to the island by car to become onboard guests of an Olympia Yacht Club member.

3. Parents are responsible for the supervision, safety and acts of vandalism of their children on yacht club property; in addition, boat owners are responsible for their onboard guests.

4. Use shore facilities only. Do not pollute our crystal clear water and beautiful beaches.

5. Oysters and other shellfish shall be taken to be consumed on the island only, and shells shall be returned to the beach. Washington State Fish and Wildlife limits apply.

6. Electrical service will be limited to one connection per boat. Two services are allowed if vacant power outlets are available.

7. Moorage at any one time is limited to 16 days. per month unless an extension is approved by the BOT in the case of an emergency. No vessel shall be left overnight without an Active OYC member on board except in a case of emergency with BOT approval.

8. The "Pet Walking" area is on the mainland only.
9. The car parking area is on the mainland except for official club pickups and deliveries. Vehicles are to be removed immediately after unloading except for the caretaker's personal vehicle.
10. Watch for extreme minus tides. Some moorage is bare or has a limited depth of water.
11. No beach fires or campfires are permitted except in provided barbecue areas.
12. Discharge of firearms is prohibited on yacht club property.
13. Do not litter grounds. Use garbage containers.
14. Teenage parties will not be permitted on the premises without adult yacht club member supervision.
15. Kitchen facilities may be used by club members. Any necessary cleanup by the Caretaker will be charged to the offending member at the rate of $ 10.00 per hour.
16. Suggestions and constructive criticism shall be directed to the members of

the Island Home Committee as listed in the current annual.
17. After 12:00 Midnight (2400) no boat owner will permit televisions, tapes,

conversations or other noises to be loud enough to disturb persons who wish to retire.


Mainstation Caretaker Duties

1. Reports to Mainstation Chairperson. 2. Summary:

Is responsible for general upkeep and security of Olympia Yacht Club properties, including Caretaker's house, clubhouse, surrounding grounds, to

include main parking lot and secondary parking lot behind Bayview Market, docks, water system and associated equipment. 3. Duties and Responsibilities

(a) Report any possible violations of bylaws, rules, regulations and moorage agreements to the Mainstation chairperson and/or Moorage Master.
(b) Scheduled pressure washing of docks.
(c) Keep docks in a safe condition and free of debris.

(d) Repair and/or replace loose or deteriorated boards on docks as needed. (e) Check docks for damaged or deteriorated docks connections and repair or replace as needed.
(f) Inspect, maintain and clean OYC Grid as needed.
(g) Check Boathouse connections to include power, water and chains, and

report to Mainstation Chairman. 4. Landscaping and Grounds:

(a) Report any rules violations to Mainstation Chairperson.
(b) Daily, clean Olympia Yacht Club main parking lot and secondary parking

lot behind Bayview Market. Parking lots to be clean and neat in

appearance at all times.
(c) Water trees, shrubs and flower beds and flower boxes.
(d) Keep parking lot and drains free from leaves and debris.
(e) Maintain grass, shrubs and flowers as required in secondary parking lot

behind Bayview Market. 5. Clubhouse:

(a) After all Olympia Yacht Club sponsored meetings, parties, dinners and dances, clean clubhouse, equipment and dishes. The Committee in charge of sponsoring said event shall assist with the cleanup.

(b) Restrooms and showers clean daily.
(c) Maintain the Clubhouse in top condition, including cleaning/waxing

floors, dusting furniture, cleaning to include washing walls, woodwork, blinds, light fixtures, windows, clean and maintain kitchen as often as necessary to keep in a clean and acceptable condition. Make minor general and mechanical repairs as needed (carpentry, plumbing, electrical, painting, etcetera).

(d) Inspect kitchen and equipment before and after rentals.

(e) Keep deck and tables clean and neat in appearance at all times. 6. Equipment:

(a) Maintenance and upkeep of pressure washer.
(b) Maintenance and upkeep of tool shed, tools, supplies to include tools and supplies.
(c) Maintenance and upkeep of OYC dinghy and outboard motor.
(d) Maintenance, upkeep and inventory of snow removal equipment.
(e) Maintenance, upkeep and inventory of barnacle scrapers; have available at all times.
(f) Monitor used oil collection barrel and garbage dumpster, call for pickup.

7. Security.
(a) Daily check of parking lot and stickers on vehicles.

(b) Morning and evening dock walks (evening dock walk after dark).

(c) Report all vandalism and unusual activities to police and Mainstation Chairman.

(d) Daily check of reciprocal moorage; maintain daily log. 8. Administration:

(a) Schedule grid and review grid agreement with members.
(b) Assist Clubhouse Chairperson with Clubhouse rentals. These "Duties and

Responsibilities" are not intended to be all-inclusive and the Mainstation Chairman may direct the Caretaker to perform other duties as may be deemed necessary.

Island Home Caretaker Duties Reports to the Island Home Chair

Is responsible for the general upkeep and security of OYC's outstation, Island Home, including the caretaker's house, clubhouse, surrounding grounds, docks, ramps, and bridge.

Daily duties:

Clean clubhouse:

Keep all spaces looking orderly/store appropriate items Keep windows spotless: clean daily as necessary
Check ice-maker: bag ice and transfer to freezer as necessary Dust sills, furniture and equipment as necessary Sweep/vacuum/mop floors as necessary

Wax floors monthly or as necessary/strip wax from floor once a year

Secure house when not in use; set thermostat to 50 degrees when empty


Clean and sanitize as necessary
Clean sink and counter surfaces as necessary Clean refer, freezer, stoves, ovens as necessary Clean cabinet fronts as necessary
Empty trash cans and properly store utensils


Clean and sanitize floor twice daily, when in use
Clean and sanitize showers twice daily, when in use
Clean and sanitize sinks twice daily, when in use
Clean and sanitize toilets and urinals twice daily, when in use Replenish hand soap, towels and toilet paper as necessary Empty waste baskets daily
Clean mirrors as necessary

Check for problems and do minor repairs on:

Bridge and ramps
Island shoreline (sloughing and erosion)

Roof and gutters (debris and leaks)

Report major problems to the IH Chairperson

Check grounds:

Pick up litter, branches
Make grounds orderly
Empty garbage cans into dumpster Recycle aluminum cans for petty cash

Check flags:

Hoist appropriate flags as instructed
Secure bridge gate when leaving the island, if no boats are in the basin
Keep a boat visitors log: record the boat name, date arrived and date departed

(also record cars each day) and send to IH Chairperson at the end of each month.

Weekly duties:
Yard, island, mainland parking area:
Mow, mulch and trim all grass weekly during the growing season (when

surface allows); preferred mowing time is a weekday, rather than the

Weed and maintain flower beds
Seek out and destroy poison oak (herbicide)
Trim shrubs, trees and natural growth to allow for trail access, chip debris for

Sweep and hose patio furniture and blacktop
Water and feed grass, shrubs and flower beds
Check the well house integrity and pump for leaks; report problems promptly

to IH Chair

Dock, bridge, ramps:

Clean docks as necessary before Friday (sweep, hose, power wash as appropriate)

Check electrical and lights, replace burned out lights, report other problems to IH Chair

Check for loose or displaced floats, report problems to IH Chair
Check for dock integrity, including broken or rotten boards, loose bull rails;

perform minor repairs, report problems to IH Chair


Check heating system and report problems to the IH Chair Replenish stores
Clean and vacuum furniture
Wash towels, linens, rags

Check accessible plumbing and repair minor problems, report major problems to IH Chair


Keep the caretaker's residence in good order and report major problems to IH Chair

Maintain equipment as necessary (lawn mower, pressure washer, etc.)


Club Service Program

(Revised 2020)

Olympia Yacht Club has in effect a Club Service Program, also referred to as the "CSP." The purpose is to encourage membership participation in order to reduce or eliminate the necessity to purchase services. The means to accomplish this will be to keep members informed of standing committees, appointed committees, open BOT and Bridge positions, and other club activities created by those committees.

CSP Committee Responsibilities

The board will appoint a CSP chairperson, who will oversee the CSP program and ensure members are credited for their participation. The CSP chair will be overseen by a BOT member that is chosen each year. The CSP chair will be appointed for a 3 year term as per OYC bylaws and rules. The Chair will have the following responsibilities:

(a) Maintain and routinely publish a current list of approved activities that constitute volunteer hours that qualify for CSP credit.

(b) Identify committee openings and activities needing volunteers and report such openings in the Beachcomber.

(c) From time to time set the requisite number of annual volunteer hours and the credit rate in dollars per hour and present to the BOT for approval.

(d) Keep a regular accounting of the post accumulated volunteer hours.
(e) Report to the regular monthly BOT meeting the status of CSP hours and

club income.
(f) Submit final CSP report to the Treasurer for billing by Jan 1 to the BOT

chair at the first regular meeting of the New Year.

CSP Program Eligibility
The following positions will automatically receive a full year's CSP credit.

BOT Members
Clubhouse Chair
Bridge Officers Beachcomber Editor Immediate Past Commodore Membership Cmte Chair Treasurer

Directory Editor Moorage Master WIC Chairperson Island Home Chair Quartermaster Mainstation Chair

Sailing & Edu Cmte Chair

By-Laws Cmte Chair
Long Range Plan Cmte Chair Web master
Community and Governmental Affairs Cmte Chair
Budget & Finance Cmte Chair Environmental Cmte Chair Anchorette Officers
Audit Cmte Chair
Safety & Educ Cmte Chair OYC Historian
Reciprocal Chair

CSP Chair
Juniors Cmte Chair

Membership and attendance on the following committees are eligible for CSP credit.

Members who serve on the committee will receive hour-for-hour credit for their service. Furthermore, any member can volunteer and assist these committees to receive CSP credit if the committee chair requests. Committee chairs are responsible to report the hours of members to the CSP chair for proper credit. The committee chairs will receive full CSP credit.

4th Friday Committee
All BOT Standing Committee 4th of July Cruise Committee Lunch Bunch Committee Labor Day Cruise Committee Directory Committee Memorial Day Cruise

Dinner meeting setup Halloween Cruise Committee Apple Cup Cruise Committee Special Peoples Cruise Cmte Parade of Lighted Ships

Christmas Party Commodore’s Ball
New Year’s Party Committee Sweethearts Cruise Committee JO Ball Committee
Foofaraw Committee Sunshine Committee
Toliva Shoal Race Committee Daffodil Committee Nominations Committee Publicity Committee
Juniors Committee
WIC alternate Representative

The following club functions and maintenance activities are eligible for CSP credit on an hour by hour basis.

Installation and maintenance of OYC mechanical systems (water, sewer, heating, electrical, etc...)
Facilities maintenance procedures and construction at any OYC facility Gardening, planting, and landscape maintenance or construction at any OYC facility at any OYC facility.

Shellfish culturing at any OYC facility Temporary caretaker duties at any OYC facility.

Public events and functions in which a member uses his/her boat for the purpose of the function are limited to a specific number of hours for that event. These hours will be credited to the boat not for each person who may be participating in the event. Committee chairs of these events receive full credit. Members serving on these committees who help in the planning and execution of the event will receive additional hours of CSP beyond the boat participation in the public event activity.

Foofaraw - 8 hours total
Lakefair - 4 hours total
Parade of Lighted Ships - 3 hours each night

Opening Day Parade - 4 hours total Special People’s Cruise - 4 hours total Toliva Shoals Boat - 8 hours total Audubon Bird Count - 3 hours total Daffodil Parade - 3 hours total

Seattle Opening Day - 3 hours total

Social events and “club only” functions participation in such as cruises, dinners, parties, lunches, etc.. that are solely for the benefit and use by members and not the general public, are not eligible for CSP credit unless the member or their spouse/partner actually serve on one of the social or administrative committees for those events. However, the Committee Chair for these club events can call volunteers if they are in need of extra help outside of their committee members for an individual event and therefore provide CSP credit for that work at that event. Attendance only at club and/or social events does not qualify for CSP credit.

Any activity not listed must be brought to the CSP committee to determine eligibility for credit. Members will accumulate CSP credit annually beginning on January 1st and ending on December 31st in any given year. It is the responsibility of each of the members to ensure work credit is submitted for the required number of hours needed for each year. An member who fails to submit the entire total of required hours for the year will be penalized for each required hour or portion of hours not worked. The committee chair or person in charge of the activity or project for which the member seeks to obtain CSP credit must sign the form on which the hours or portions of hours worked are reported and presented to the CSP committee. Failure to do so will result in hours not being credited to the member who performed them.

CSP Assessment and Penalty

The current requirement for CSP hours will require that a member must serve 24 hours of approved work credit within the calendar year beginning on January 1st and ending December 31st. The current penalty assessment for failure to perform work is set at the rate of $30 per hour for each hour not completed during the year. The BOT will set the number of hours and dollar rate per hour. If any member does not submit CSP work credit for the total required hours, the club Treasurer will assess the member a CSP penalty assessment. The amount of the assessment will be based on the number of required CSP hours or portions of hours not worked times the prevailing rate set by the BOT. The penalty assessment will be billed to the member on a monthly basis during the year following the one which CSP hours were incomplete.

Example: The required number of CSP hours in 2020 is 24 hours and the penalty assessment rate is $30/hour. If you perform no CSP hours in 2020 you will be billed the CSP penalty of $720 in 2014. The amount owed will be billed by the Treasurer on a monthly basis until paid in full. Assume Joe and Jane Doe submitted a total of 6 hours of CSP work credits in 2020. Beginning

in January 2021, they would incur a penalty assessment of $540 (18 hours not worked x $30) which would then be billed in equal installments of $45 per month throughout 2021.
New members joining OYC after the beginning of the calendar year will have CSP total hours required prorated at the rate of 2 hours per month starting with the month following the month that they are voted into membership by the general membership.

Example: Joe and Jane Doe are voted in as new members in April. Commencing in the month of May they will be required to work 16 CSP hours for the remainder of that year ending in December (8 months of the year remaining x 2 hours per month). Thereafter, Joe and Jane will be required to work their full number of CSP hours, as are all other members, or incur penalty assessments for the hours not worked as described above. CSP hours earned by any member in excess of the required hours in a calendar year may not be carried over as work credits for the following year.
Any member who wishes to donate hours to another member for extenuating circumstances of the other member that makes that member unable to perform their own hours must petition the BOT for approval. This would be an individual basis request subject to the BOT granting approval. CSP chair would then credit that member and reduce the hours of the donating member as per the BOT amount approved for that individual basis.
Members who wish to demit will be responsible for being current with their CSP financial obligation or proper number of hours served. This dollar or hour amount will be prorated according to the month in which the member demits. Thiswillapplythesameasclubduesormoorageobligations. Forexample,if a member demit in December they will be responsible for $720 for the year or to have served 24 hours for the year even though the billing for that year will not be issued until the following year.
The Social class of membership has been established beginning in 2013. Each Social class member will be required to perform 5 hours of CSP work credit per person or a total of 10 hours for a couple. Hours not worked will be subject to the same penalty assessment as active members and the hourly rate will be the same as active members. Billing will be the same as active members, Social class members will not be eligible to serve as Board, Trustee, Flag officer, Bridge officer, or as a committee chair. They may serve on any committee including social function committees to earn CSP hours. All other CSP rules apply to Social membership the same as they do for active members.

OLYMPIA YACHT CLUB BOATHOUSE STANDARDS Rev 3.0 Approved by the BOT and Effective 5/09/2007
NOTE: ALL CRITERIA GO INTO EFFECT UPON BOT ADOPTION UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED UNDER A SPECIFIC CRITERION. All boathouses shall conform to applicable building codes, electrical codes, and regulations. It is the moorage members' responsibility to assure compliance.

Prior to construction or modification of a boathouse, plans shall be submitted to the Main Station committee for review & for approval. (Any exceptions to standards will require approval of the Board of Trustees). If approved, a Boathouse building/remodeling permit signed by the Moorage Master and the Main Station Chair will be issued. Once construction is started, it must be completed within 60 days. The permit is valid for 6 months. Boathouses Building or Remodeling Permit must conform to the OYC Moorage Basin foot print specifications.

1. FLOTATION: Boathouses shall float level with adequate freeboard to keep structural float members above water at all times. Design considerations shall include snow loads, wind loads and wave action. Sealed floatation shall be adequately secured to the boathouse substructure to prevent displacement or loss. Maintenance repairs or remodels adding to boathouse length shall use foam filled poly tubs, or sealed foam logs IF LEGAL at time of repair. All newly constructed boathouses shall use foam filled poly tubs of appropriate size or equivalent flotation as approved, in advance, by the mainstation committee.

2. FASTENINGS: Galvanized 5/8 inch fittings shall be through bolted to a major structural member of the boathouse at each corner. Boathouse shall be fastened at all four corners with 3/8 inch galvanized chain.

3. FENDERS: Tires or other durable material shall be installed to provide adequate spacing and prevent damage to adjacent boathouses and docks.

(a) On new construction and remodels, deck framing shall be of pressure

treated timbers designed and spaced to meet applicable building codes and structural members shall be through bolted with galvanized bolts. Side walls shall slant in at least 6 inches at the top except extensions may retain any existing plumb structure. Framing shall consist of 2x4 studs with spacing no more than 24 inches apart. Side walls greater than 14 feet in height shall be constructed of 2x6’s spaced no more than 48 inches apart. Construction at variance with these standards may be approved by the mainstation committee with appropriate prior engineering documentation and approval stamps by a PE.

(b) All boathouses, including existing units, shall have a sufficient number of compression posts, gussets, L-brackets or yoke(s) to carry snow loads, to prevent decks from coming out of trim and to maintain structural integrity. Decks shall exhibit no more than 6 degrees (1.25 inch rise per 1 foot) tilt across the width.


5. ROOF: All roofs shall be constructed of steel or aluminum panels, minimum of 29 gauge thickness, coated in baked enamel gray color or

natural color (galvanized for steel) finish. For new construction, roof pitch shall be no less than 6/12 or maximum of 9/12. Remodels may retain existing pitch. All boathouses shall have a minimum 10% to a maximum 25% of the roof area constructed of clear or translucent panels for light and fire protection. The maximum eve overhang shall be 3 inches.


6. SIDING: All siding on new construction or remodeled areas, except on the curtain end of the house, shall be of steel, minimum of 29 gauge thickness, with baked enamel gray color or natural color galvanized finish.

7. CURTAIN: Each boathouse shall have a gray or white curtain of a durable material supported by a curtain box, which conceals the supporting structure.

8. WINDOW: A window shall be installed at the float end to allow for security inspections. A three (3) sq. ft. unobstructed minimum viewing area, at eye level is required.

9. TRIM AND DOORS: All trim and doors visible from public walkways shall be painted white.

10. ELECTRICAL: Electrical service is limited to 120 volts/30 amps. Any exceptions shall be approved by the board. All boathouses shall contain an electrical panel with a UL/CSA approved breaker trip system with an appropriate number and size of breakers. Electrical systems must be in conformance with the applicable sections of the National Electrical Code and shall have an isolated ground and neutral buss. The power cord from dock to boathouse or boat shall be a minimum of marine grade 10/3 SO cord terminated in a 30 amp twist lock connector (no adapters except for marinegrade50ampto30ampor30amp“Y”adapters). Conduitor romex copper wiring with ground wire shall be used according to the following schedule: 30amps: #10 minimum; 20 amps: #12 minimum and 15 amps: #14 minimum. No load carrying household-style extension cords shall be left unattended. Zinsco and Federal Pacific panels are not allowed and shall be replaced within 90 days of inspection. The only exception to the panel requirement is if a boathouse has no wiring and the boat power cord is plugged directly into the power pedestal.


11. LIGHTING: Each boathouse and/or boat therein shall contain at least one 25 watt incandescent or equivalent brightness light (minimum) on at night for safety and inspection. Mechanical timers may not be used.

12. SIGNING: Each boathouse shall have posted in the window at viewing height a sign stating ownership, phone numbers for emergency contact, boat name, types of fuel and whether propane is aboard.

13. EXTENSIONS: Bow pulpit extensions or other construction shall not protrude over dock walkways. Door Awnings if used shall be installed at least 7 feet above the dock and a maximum of 3 feet in depth. All boathouse extensions/porches shall be affixed to the boathouse and shall be considered part of the boathouse. Existing bow pulpit extensions and awnings as of date of adoption are grandfathered for current owners only.

14. WATER SERVICE: Potable water service to the interior of a boathouse shall be shut off during freezing weather. No boathouse facilities discharging gray water into the sound are allowed.

15. MEASUREMENT: The measurement of the length is from the dock or boathouse side of piling/hoop to the end of the curtain box. The measurement of the width is from eve to eve including overhang or the widest part of the structure. Vessel or attachments may not extend beyond the confines of the curtain box.

16. ESTHETICS: Boathouses shall be maintained in good repair and appearance. The club may refuse mooring, assess penalties or remove a boathouse that is in a condition of dilapidation or neglect so that it becomes unsightly, a nuisance or hazard. – Rule 4.

17. Annual Boathouse Inspections: Each boathouse shall be inspected annually by OYC. In addition if a boathouse is being sold it shall be inspected prior to sale if it does not have a current annual inspection report on file showing that it meets applicable standards. The boathouse original owner must disclose deficiencies and available remediation timeframes to a potential buyer and an upgrade/repair plan must be completed by the new owner prior to the BOT and Moorage Master approving a purchasing member’s moorage assignment.

18. Safety: All boathouses shall have at least one, 5 pound ABC rated, current, fire extinguisher located inside of boathouse and near the door.

Compliance timeframes may be adjusted by the BOT due to extenuating circumstances.

Annual Inspection Items are as follows:
1. Approved electrical Panel and wiring.
2. Functional twist lock shore power cord inlet without burn marks or deterioration.
3. Current fire extinguisher inside boathouse door.
4. Emergency Information label visible in window.
5. Functional boathouse/boat night light.
6. Boathouse floats have structural integrity and are trim and no part of the float structure is underwater.
7. Boathouse is chained on all four corners and has proper fendering.
8. Check to see that no electrical fences are present. Rule 12

9. Check for fuel storage. Rule 11.
10. Check for current state registration decal on boat. 11. Overall condition is satisfactory.

Olympia Yacht Club    •    201 Simmons Street NW    Olympia, Washington 98501   •   360-357-6767

© 2020 by OYC Webmaster  

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